The C API is the recommended API for binding gqlite with other languages. The main header is gqlite-c.h, it contains API documentation. An example of us is main.c.


An other possibility is to use the public C++ API. The main header is gqlite.h, it contains API documentation. An example of use is main.cpp.


The Python API is imported with import gqlite and it contains two classes:

  • gqlite.Error an exception reported when an error occurs. The error message is in a field called msg.
  • gqlite.Connection is the main class for connection to the database.
    • gqlite.Connection(filename) is used to create a new connection to a gqlite database stored in a sqlite database
    • execute_oc_query(query, parameters) is used to query the database, parameters is an optional map.
  • gqlite.connection(filename) can be used to create a connection to a GQLite database.

An example of use is main.py.


The Ruby API is imported with require 'gqlite' and it contains two classes:

  • gqlite::Error an exception reported when an error occurs. The error message is in a field called message.
  • gqlite::Connection is the main class for connection to the database.
    • gqlite::Connection.new(filename) is used to create a new connection to a gqlite database stored in a sqlite database
    • execute_oc_query(query, parameters) is used to query the database, parameters is an optional map.

An example of use is main.rb.